Welcome to Grow Your Happy

For Parents of Children with Challenges

About Us

For parents of children with challenges that are ready to experience a new way of doing things. It starts when we simplify our lives and our expectations. Knowing that being positive does not always mean that we  are always happy. But we build our resilience through positive emotions. Removing judgment, clearing our mind of thoughts, feelings and emotions that do not serve us. Creating a pattern of positive practices and habits that will lead us to see what is good in our lives, and find joy in what life has to offer. 

Finding a Positive Outlook

It is possible in only a few weeks to move to a more positive outlook! Did you know that you could have power over your happiness with intentional activity? It is estimated that approximately half of a person's happiness is determined by genetics. A person's circumstances, (where you live, where you went to school as a kid) and a person’s internal state of mind makes up the rest. So there is room to grow through setting intentions for positive emotions!